Updated: Wannabe bounder

What a fine day to patrol the Shire

What a fine day to patrol the Shire

Before Glindra travelled to Ered Luin, she was living in Brockenborings in the Shire, where she used to patrol the roads, keeping an eye out for goblins. She was hoping to join the bounders one day, but before that happened, she decided to leave the Shire. She used to wear green leggings and her favorite shirt, and on her back she had a cloak with boar-fur on it, a trophy from a large boar she once killed.

Time to check how Little Delving is doing

Time to check how Little Delving is doing

A town-outfit for my hobbit girl. I still don’t have much inspiration for my hobbits, I don’t feel like leveling them or making outfits, so this outfit remains unchanged even though I don’t like it very much :P. Maybe yet one day…

Not much of a second breakfast, but being on the road, bread will have to do

Not much of a second breakfast, but being on the road, bread will have to do

Your neighbour has been acting strange, you say?

Your neighbour has been acting strange, you say?

Head: Shabby Cap, olive, Yule Festival quest reward (10) Self-Sacrifice: Support the Poor

Shoulders: Leather Shoulder Pads of Might, yellow, world drop

Back: Cloak of the Boar, olive, Harvest Festival barter item

Chest: Elven Quilted Shirt of Determination, gold, world drop

Hands: Fingerless Gloves, olive, Yule Festival quest reward (10) Self-Sacrifice: Support the Poor

Legs: Forest-walker, olive, quest reward (45) Cause for Joy, Bree/Trollshaws

Feet: Embroidered Shoes of the Dunland Healer, navy, quest reward (66) Missing Persons, Dunland

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Updated: Little explorer


Glindra is an adventurous little hobbit girl, and she has always been fascinated by the elves. Therefore she often travels to Ered Luin, visiting the elves of Celondim and the dwarves of Thorin’s Hall. Today she is exploring the forest near the dwarf settlement of Gondamon. She is practically dressed in grey and white with a touch of red.


An adventure outfit for my hobbit girl. I didn’t change it, I think it’s quite good still 🙂 I see now that the cloak clips a bit with the hauberk on the shoulders, something I’ve noticed many cloaks do. Or maybe it is the hauberk that is to blame 🙂 I wish Turbine would fix these things one day, but I suspect it is not very high on their priority list :P.

quest9 quest14

Head: Falster’s Helmet, red, quest reward (23) Falster’s Request, Lone-lands

Back: Fancy Winter Cloak, default dye, Yule Festival barter item

Chest: Watcher’s Hauberk, default dye, sold by outfitter Percy Chesham in Trestlebridge

Hands: Vibrant Calenard War Gauntlets, grey, T7 crafted

Feet: Soft Leather Boots, grey, any outfitter

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Updated: In the cold North

Gotta brush off this snow

Gotta brush off this snow

Alfric has ended up in the far north, in icy Forochel, training his skills as a captain. He is fascinated by the beautiful landscape with its turquoise colors and icy plains. He has also won the confidence of the locals, the Lossoth, who turns out to be rather nice people, once they let you into their lives. Alfric dresses warmly in fur and leather, and has chosen colors that match the landscape.

Wouldn't survive without a fire

Wouldn’t survive without a fire

This outfit came into being from a desire to use one of the many beautiful Yule Festival cloaks I acquired. The reindeer horn image on this one made me think of Forochel, and because Alfric happened to be questing there at the moment, he became my model. I didn’t change anything in this outfit, it’s one of the better ones I’ve made for my cappy.



A mailbox, how interesting

A mailbox, how interesting

Shoulders: Shoulder Guards of Fém, red, quest reward (43) Crannog’s Fourth Challenge, Angmar

Back: Wintry Yule Cloak, umber, Yule Festival barter item

Chest: Burnished Dunlending Chestpiece, sea blue, quest reward (66) Deeds and Words, Dunland

Hands: Gauntlets of the Brown wizard, crimson, quest reward (30) Fallen Oak, Lone-lands

Feet: Boots of Fém, red, quest reward (43) Crannog’s Challenge, Angmar



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Updated: Dressing like the locals

Ah, there is Galtrev at last

Ah, there is Galtrev at last

Calardis has travelled to Dunland. She is looking for new songs and helping people with different tasks. She has decided to dress like the local tribes, in colorful clothes decorated with fur and mystical patterns.


Back when I made this outfit, I had been levelling my minstrel in Dunland. I thought it would be fun if she dressed a bit like the locals, in some kind of tribal look, so I started playing around with some items. But the more I worked on it, the more she started looking like a rich celebrity trying to dress as a street beggar, the general idea being right but the items of clothing still expensive. Then I thought, why not? Maybe that is just what an absent-minded elf-maiden would do. She would think she has gotten the idea with the local way of dressing, but still not really get it, ending up wearing something far more fancy :P. I still sort of like this outfit, even though it is a bit extravagant to wear all the time. It’s maybe too colorful to look really Dunlendish, but it goes in the right direction at least. This outfit would work in Forochel too.

Sorry child, I don't want to get involved in your quarrel with your brother

Sorry child, I don’t want to get involved in your quarrel with your brother

Time to move on

Time to move on

Shoulders: Embroidered Mantle of the Dunland Healer, red, quest reward (66) A Glimpse of the Fall, Dunland

Back: Soft Bear Fur Cloak, red, quest reward (48) Winter Cleaning, Forochel

Chest: Horse-Shift, crimson, Lotro-wiki says it drops in the Rift, but I’ve never been there, so it must drop elsewhere too. The Angmar quest reward Jacket of Fém shares the same pattern, not sure if the base colour is the same.

Hands: Gloves of the Mighty Verse, red, Moria minstrel armor

Legs: Trousers of the Mighty Verse, red, Moria minstrel armor

Feet: Rugged Silvan-hide Shoes, red, quest reward (45) The Den-mother, Forochel

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Turtle hunter

I don't see any turtles..

I don’t see any turtles…

Thodo is looking for turtles, because someone said their shells are valuable, and he is hoping to catch and sell some of the little creatures.

Ah, here they are

Ah, here they are

This is an updated version of the post called Charming the ladies, but I re-titled it because at the time of screenshot-taking, I didn’t remember that the previous post had that name 🙂 I changed the leggings and shoulder in this outfit and left out the helmet, and I think it’s better like this.

I wonder how to catch them, really

I wonder how to catch them, really

They are running away from me, look!

They are running away from me, look!

Shoulders: Ceremonial Shoulders of the Elder Days, black, skirmish camp cosmetics vendor, Rift light armour

Back: Warden’s wrap, default black dye, Wardens of Annuminas barter item

Chest:Heronham, black, quest reward, Vol. I, book 8, chapter 5: Mordirith’s fall

Hands: Ingmar’s Woollen Gloves, sienna, quest reward

Legs: Ceremonial Leggings of the Elder Days, black, skirmish camp cosmetics vendor, Rift light armour

Feet: Emerthdail, black, quest reward (43) The Matron and the Master, Angmar


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Updated : Mr. Vain

Some very fine furs indeed, I think I'm going to buy one

Some very fine furs indeed, I think I’m going to buy one

Thodo, a burglar from the Shire, has travelled to Bree to practise his skills. On his way to the shadier parts of the town, he found a mirror…and because he is vain to his nature, he just has to stop and admire his new attire…


New screenshots of my burglar’s town outfit. He has been reduced to storage mule and I doubt he will ever be leveled beyond his current lvl of 13, so he rarely walks around showing his outfits, which is a shame, because he has a couple of nice ones 🙂


Head: Plumed Hat, dark green, Intro quest reward(Archet)

Shoulders: Shoulders of the Mark, orange, world drop

Back: Plain Cloak, sienna, any outfitter

Chest: Wolfpelt Coat, navy, drops in Sarnur or Urugarth

Hands: Kelkka-maker’s Gloves, dark green, quest reward (44) Building the Snow-sled, Forochel

Legs: Happ-Leggar, navy, quest reward (29) Brew-master, North Downs

Feet: Leather Boots, dark green, any outfitter

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Edoras visitor


Evelara has travelled to Rohan, and is going to visit king Theoden. She wears armor in burgundy and green, decorated with gold.


This outfit changed so much I decided not to call it updated 🙂 I only kept the helmet from my champions previous Rohan outfit. It was another case where I noticed she never used it, so that meant I didn’t like it. This one turned out well I think, and having a nice Rohan sky in the background only makes it better 🙂



Head: Helm of the Fallen Watchtower, dark green, quest reward (78) The Tower by the Stream, East Rohan

Shoulders: Shoulderpads of the White Mountains, burgundy, quest reward (97) Oaths broken, oaths kept, Gondor

Back: Mearas-mane Cloak, burgundy, quest reward (82) Scattered Friends, East Rohan

Chest: Strong Eastemnet Skirmish Armour, burgundy, T8 crafted, tailor

Hands: Mitts of the Encroaching Winter, burgundy, quest reward Vol. III, book 10, chapter 3: No Word from Wildermore

Feet: Nail-Treaders, dark green. Strange enough, these boots are not on Lotro-wiki, but I suspect they are a world drop, I seem to have had them in my vault a long time

Horse: Prized Angmarim Free Peoples Steed

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Updated: Rohan rider


Ingwyn is in Eorlsmead, training staff use and other skills with the soldiers in the tower. She wears practical clothes in green, and a lovely cloak with a horse-head image.

Nice view from up here

Nice view from up here

This outfit is completely new, except for the cloak and shoulders. I just didn’t like the old hauberk she used to wear, and so I thought I could use this instead, and make the whole outfit a bit more…modern, if you can say that 🙂

You think I need more practice? Yeah, maybe I do

You think I need more practice? Yeah, maybe I do


Shoulders: Reinforced Leather Dunlending Shoulder Guards, rivendell green, quest reward (69) Scattered Delivery, Dunland

Back: Faded Spearman’s Cloak, rivendell green, quest reward (66) The Source of the Dragons, Dunland

Chest: Defensive War Armour of Eomer, rivendell green, crafted T8 metalsmith

Hands: Wynmar’s Last Wish, default, quest reward (70) A Reasonable Request, Great River

Feet: Ceremonial Boots of the Quiet Step, rivendell green, skirmish camp cosmetics vendor

Edit: I just got an awesome sword from a quest, and had to add it to the outfit.

Sword: Boshchi’s Fall, quest reward (76) Leading the Advance, The Wold (Eastemnet)




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Updated: Rivendell romance

Lovely maiden...she looks so good in pink

Lovely maiden…she looks so good in pink

Mimbaril is in Rivendell, and very much in love. The woman who has captured his heart is called Vendethiel, and Mimbaril is trying everything to win her…Dressing elegantly will surely help, and so he has put on clothes in warm autumn colors.


This outfit started with the intention of making something to go questing in, but it became a bit too elegant, so it is now my guardian’s Rivendell outfit. The cloak has started to bother me a little, I wish the bear’s head wasn’t on it 🙂 I didn’t take any exciting new screenshots, I just used the lovely Rivendell landscape as background.


Sing la la la...

Sing la la la…

Shoulders: Reinforced Elven Cloth Shoulderpads of Vigour, gold, world drop

Back: Trapper’s Faded Cloak, forest green, quest reward (66) A Widow’s Last Hope, Dunland

Chest: Jacket of the Winding Road, rust, quest reward (75) Banishing the Dishonored, Great River

Hands: Radiant Westernesse Gloves, rivendell green, T5 crafted

Legs: Restored Archivist’s Leggings, ranger green,Wardens of Annuminas barter item (Tinnudir)

Feet: Padded Shoes, ranger green, armorsmith vendor

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Updated: Lady in red

Hmm, that bow perhaps...

Hmm, that bow perhaps…

Danvien is in Rivendell, getting supplies for another hunting expedition. As always, she is dressed fashionably, this time in red and mild brown. She is sure to turn some heads in the vale of Imladris…

Too much to choose from...

Too much to choose from…

New pictures of my hunter’s town-outfit, in Rivendell this time. I’m quite happy with it still, even though it bothers me a little that the cloak won’t dye the same shade of red as the other pieces.

So nice with the sun on my face

So nice with the sun on my face

Time to move on

Time to move on

Shoulders: Rock-climber’s Shoulderguards, crimson, T6 crafted

Back: Golden Tree Summer Cloak, crimson, Summer Festival barter item

Chest: Rider’s Silken Shirt, crimson, friend standing with Theodred’s Riders. Also available as a quest reward in Dunland I think, under a different name.

Hands: Extravagant Festival Gloves, umber, Yulefest quest reward, (10) Gain and Glory:Assist the Rich

Legs: Trousers of the Ent-Friend, umber, quest reward from (75) Kicking a Stone, Great River

Feet: Padded Shoes, crimson, any outfitter

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