A little fun before the battle

What a great song he taught me

What a great song he taught me

Calardis has come to Minas Tirith, along with many others. The enemy is approaching, and before everything goes bad, Calardis wants to cheer the citizens up with some music. There is soon a big party in one of the taverns.

Step one, step two...

Step one, step two…

A festive outfit for my elf maiden. It’s been around for a while, but I am only now getting around to publishing it. Despite Minas Tirith beeing a rather gloomy place, I wanted to take my screenshots there. I hope we can get sunshine in that city yet, in some future update, it would look even more awesome πŸ™‚ This outfit is one of Cala’s favorites, I think she looks good in pink. As often seems to be the case with outfit pieces however, there is some ugly clipping, here it is the hood and the shoulders when she moves her arms, this can be seen in the next picture. But, I have long since decided to ignore those things, if I only used pieces that don’t clip, I’d have a very small supply πŸ˜›


Her warsteed is trying to match the outfit, but doesn’t really πŸ˜›


Head: Ceremonial Hat of the Stone-Student, rose, skirmish camp cosmetics vendor (loremaster Moria set)

Shoulders: Padded Mantle of the Dunland Soothsayer, rose, quest reward (69) Preparing for the Auction, Dunland

Chest: Frostbluff Dress of Thanks, rose, reward given about 40 days after completing the quest Self-sacrifice: Support the Poor, Yule Festival

Warsteed: Wintry Yule Set, from the Yule festival

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Defender of Dale

Nice to be back here

Nice to be back here

Alfric has returned to Dale after traveling around for years. There are rumours about Easterlings attacking soon, and Alfric is ready, wearing practical chain mail armour.


Lonely Mountain looking beautiful, as usual

Time for an entirely new outfit πŸ™‚ My captain, who comes from Dale, in his origins outfit. In fact, it’s not that new, I’ve had it for over a year, but I’ve been working on it now and then and tried to take screenshots in various locations that I thought could look like Dale. But, since nothing beats the original, I eventually made a lvl 20 Bells of Dale instance, killed everything in it, and took screenies there πŸ™‚ Only problem I had was that it is night-time in there, so it wasn’t easy finding enough light. I played around with different chain mail pieces, not wanting to use an armour set, and this is what I ended up with, I think it works, even though the shoulders are a bit too much plate-y.


I’d better eat before the battle



Head: Scarred Helm of the Pren Gwydh Warrior, gold, quest reward (67) The Blocked Supply-lines, Dunland. Other Dunland helmets share the same look

Shoulders: Hyrde-axle, white, quest reward Vol III, book 4, chapter 10: Herdsmen of the Starkmoor

Back: Cloak of the Boar Clan Warrior, white, quest reward (71) Lost Miner – Siam, Dunland

Chest: Elven Steel Jacket of Fleetness, gold, world drop

Hands: Gauntlets of FΓ©m, gold, quest reward (43) Crannog’s Second Challenge, Angmar

Legs: Sturdy Westland Leggings of Resilience, gold, world drop

Feet: Elven Steel Boots of Determination, gold, world drop

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…done with the updated outfits, at least for the time being πŸ™‚ It took me several months longer than I had expected, taking new screenshots of 47 outfits is a much larger project than I thought :D. But now it is done, and from now on I will publish new outfits, that haven’t been on this blog yet. I have a few already that I’ve created, but I don’t have screenshots of them all yet. I need to finish exploring and questing in Minas Tirith with surroundings first πŸ™‚

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Updated: Memories of fire


Hervald is in his chamber in Thorin’s Hall, remembering the old days in the city of Erebor. He wears some elegant clothes and a cloak with a design symbolizing the fire of Smaug, the dragon who ruined his old home.

I should have the tailor make me a cloak from these

I should have the tailor make me a cloak from these

This outfit was a bit hard to create back then, partly because I remembered his origins wrong. But in the description of the Blue Mountains heritage it says that dwarves fleeing Erebor settled there, so it works for Hervald, who was one such dwarf. I like this outfit, it is colorful and elegant, and quite dwarvish too I think.

Which book should I read next?

Which book should I read next?


Back: Dolen-Clog, yellow, quest reward (68) Curing the Leather, Tal Methedras/Dunland

Chest: Dwarf-make Hauberk, crimson, cosmetic bought from Boltr in Thorin’s Hall

Hands: Dwarf-steel Gloves of Might, crimson, world drop

Feet: Siege-Breaker’s boots, crimson, quest reward (35) Siege-master, North Downs

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Updated: Warden of AnnΓΊminas


Ingwyn has spent a long time in the north, around the lake Evendim, helping the rangers fight off the Angmarim and the tomb-robbers. She has dressed in the same colours as the banners, and decorated the robe with stars.



My loremaster in her Evendim-outfit. It hasn’t changed, I quite like it as it is. My point with it back when I made it was to copy the colours of the banners as close as possible, and I think I made a good job of it.

local3 local19

Head: Veteran Footman’s Light Hat, sea blue, skirmish barter

Shoulders: Mantle of Long Memory, navy, quest reward (38) Sanctity of the Sovereigns, Evendim

Back: Cloak of the Grey Company, sea blue, quest reward Vol. III, book 5, chapter 1: Separate ways-Radanir

Chest: Robe of Long Memory, violet, Wardens of AnnΓΊminas barter item

Hands: Gloves of Long Memory, navy, Wardens of AnnΓΊminas barter item

Feet: Nail-Treaders, navy, world drop

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Updated: Little elf-friend

This place is pretty

This place is pretty

Glindra has spent a long time with the elves of Ered Luin, long enough that they have started to call her Elvellon, Elf-friend. She wants to dress like an elf, and has gotten herself some nice garments from one of their tailors. She is a girly little hobbit, so soft shades of pink, violet and brown is what she has chosen. Now she can almost blend in…

I think I'll pick some flowers for my friend

I think I’ll pick some flowers for my friend

Here is my hobbit girl in her elf-inspired outfit. I haven’t made any changes to this one, it is one of her favorites. The boots could perhaps be different, but I haven’t found any better ones yet. Lately I’ve been quite busy and haven’t spent much time hunting outfit pieces πŸ™‚

Lovely smells

Lovely smells

There he is

There he is

Head: Circlet of the Seven Stars, burgundy, Annuminas barter item

Back: SimbelmΓΏne Cloak, rose, spring festival 2012 barter item

Chest: Elven Skirmisher’s Armour, rose, T4 crafted

Hands: Ceremonial Gloves of the Graven Word, rose, skirmish barter item (rift light armor)

Legs: Shining Elven Leather Leggings, rose, world drop

Feet: Cobwebbed Shoes, burgundy, quest reward (60) Queen in the Fungus, Moria


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A dwarf in Bree

Time to run errands

Time to run errands

Hervald is staying in Bree for a time. Today he goes out in the town to buy ingredients for his cooking, wearing some comfortable clothes with a more fancy cloak.

Long queue today...

Long queue today…

My runekeeper in his town-outfit. I renamed the post because he isn’t cooking in the new pictures. It’s not my favorite outfit for my dwarf, but I haven’t come up with any improvements yet. The cloak is maybe sticking out too much.

Yes, this bread will be perfect

Yes, this bread will be perfect

Funny children, they taught me a dance

Funny children, they taught me a dance

Head: Parch-het, default dye, Skumfil drop, from Grimreaver

Shoulders: Athelward’s Silken Mantle, white, quest reward (84) A Thirst for Blood, Rohan

Back: Brisk Yule Cloak, rust, Yule Festival barter item

Chest: Linen Armor, red, T2 crafted

Hands: Fingerless Gloves, evendim blue, Yule Festival quest reward (10) Self-Sacrifice: Support the Poor

Legs: Leather Leggings of the Stoic Stag, rust, quest reward (66) Counting the Antlers, Dunland

Feet: Embroidered Shoes of the Dunland Healer, rust, quest reward (66) Missing Persons, Dunland


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Updated: Elf-ranger

Good morning

Good morning

Danvien is hunting animals and helping the Rangers of Esteldin to deal with the increasing number of orcs. She is wearing practical clothes in brown and grey to blend in with the landscape.

Morning, horse, I'll feed you soon

Morning, horse, I’ll feed you soon

Here is my hunter in her ranger-outfit. She wears it quite a lot, even though she has long since left North Downs. Now and then I think about changing the leggings, they have an unflattering fit on elven females, but then again, they look like what they are, clumsy pants made from leather pieces πŸ™‚

I hope the bread is ready soon, I'm hungry

I hope the bread is ready soon, I’m hungry



Head: Scorched Ox-Hide Helmet, grey, quest reward (72) A Prime Cut, Dunland

Shoulders: Fine Grey Company Wrap, rust, quest reward Vol III, Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate ways-Golodir

Back: Twisttongue’s Cloak, default dye, quest reward (54) Riddles in the Stone, Moria

Chest: Herth-Klath, rust, quest reward (12) The Plundered Port, Ered Luin

Hands: Fine Grey Company Gauntlets, rust, quest reward Vol III, Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate ways-Calenglad

Legs: Dented Leggings of the Dunland Clansman, rust, quest reward (66) Something Foul, Dunland

Feet: Soft Leather Boots, grey, outfitter in Bree or Trestlebridge


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Updated: A little party

The road goes ever on and on..la la la

The road goes ever on and on..la la la

The hobbits are fond of good food and drink, and tonight Thodo has joined some festivities at the party tree. As usual, he tries to impress with his clothing, and has chosen a purple robe with silver trimmings, and a nice hat to go with it.

I'm hungry

I’m hungry

New pictures of my hobbit lad in his party clothes. I had to change his name when I transferred, and it took a while to invent something that wasn’t already taken. His outfit is unchanged though, I think it still works, even though it’s quite simple πŸ™‚

Nothing like freshly baked bread

Nothing like freshly baked bread

Head: Extravagant Festival Cap, purple, Yulefest quest reward (10)Gain and Glory:Assist the Rich

Chest: Frostbluff Robe of Thanks, purple, Yule Festival quest reward (1) Good Deeds at Yule-time

Hands: Fingerless Gloves, white, Yule Festival quest reward (10) Self-Sacrifice: Support the Poor

Feet: Embroidered Shoes of the Dunland Healer, purple, quest reward (66) Missing Persons, Dunland

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Minas Tirith at last

Just a quick post to inform my 0 readers that Minas Tirith is now launched, and I’ve visited it πŸ™‚ It is awesome, and if you have a toon that is able to travel there, go πŸ™‚ScreenShot00024

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