Miner from Scary

This place is creepy...

This place is creepy…

Before Thodo became a burglar, he worked in the quarry of Scary. He learned to not be afraid of the dark, or of other creepy things, like the spiders that one day invaded the quarry, when someone dug too deep. Here he is wearing practical clothes for work, woollen shirt and trousers, covered with tough leather plates to protect him from the stones.

To be afraid, or not to be, that is the question...

To be afraid, or not to be, that is the question…

Here is my little hobbit again, this time dressed as a miner. I thought for a long time about what sort of outfit I’d make for him in my Local cathegory, and then I got this idea when I was trying to make up some kind of biography for him. He wasn’t born a burglar, after all, so I decided he had been working in the quarry. I used several pieces from Westemnet in this outfit. I’ve tried combining one piece with other non-Westemnet stuff, but never found anything that worked. Using several on the same “set” works better, I think.

Lunch break, best part of the day

Lunch break, best part of the day

Home sweet home

Home sweet home

Head: Tattered Hat, gold, lootbox random drop

Shoulders: Padded Shoulder-Pads of the Broadacres, gold, quest reward (90) Goblin-badge, West Rohan

Back: Dwarf-make Prospector’s Pack, gold, Anniversary Giftbox drop

Chest: Padded Cuirass of Eastfold, gold, quest reward (88) Dire Threat, West Rohan

Hands: Ashpar’s Passing, gold, quest reward (57) Vol. II, Book 3, Chapter 7: The White Hand in Darkness

Legs: Steel Leggings of Kingstead, gold, quest reward (87) The Fiddle and the Drum, West Rohan

Feet: Rugged Work Boots, gold, Beorning intro quests armor


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